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Activate Energetic Codes of Abundance

In this powerful masterclass, you will learn & embody: 

How to get out of the perpetual cycle of never enough, struggle, scarcity & lack 

Activate your innate abundance frequency and enter into the power portal of receiving 

How to break rules & beliefs around your ability to hold the frequency of abundance 

Release pressure/resistance around money & shift into the frequency of allowing and receive abundance with ease

Join the Magic!


I'm Kelly!

I was constantly DOing, pushing, forcing & trying to become abundant.
I was seeking, searching, waiting for the money to come into my life.
I was so focused on the damn money.
There were months in my business when I would make close to 10k and then other months when it was so low I felt myself go back into old cycles of struggle, scarcity and lack.
Little did I know that the energy of ‘trying’ placed me in resistance to everything that I desired.
I learned these were energetic leaks. I was energetically placing my power outside of myself.
I discovered my energetic foundation was attuned to lack, struggle, never enough & low self worth.

Hey babe!

And I want to show you how.

I uncovered a deeply rooted money story where when I was young, I heard my Dad say, “oh he’s a rich asshole.”
That phrase lingered in my subconscious where I made the limiting decision that ‘being wealthy will make me an asshole and no one will like me.’  So it’s safe for me to just get by. It’s safe for me to make just enough money to get by because that way I can guarantee I am a good person.
That became my TRUTH for YEARS.
I worked on my money mindset & energetics. I had ups and downs, energetic dips, minimums and maximums… you name it.

And then. Right before I gave birth I had my most abundant month in my business ($11k), I didn’t DO anything actually I did less (which was SO different for me and for my old mindset)
Since learning more and more about energetics, money mindset & manifestation - it has only expanded. It’s an energetic frequency & an entirely new way of being that massively transformed my life. 
It is so fucking powerful & life changing that I knew I had to share with more women who are tired of pushing for more money and not trusting in their innate abundance. 
I unlocked the energetic code and opened up the power portal to receiving.

Through the integration of energetics, manifestation principles & money mindset, my entire reality has shifted, my clients lives have transformed.

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