Abundant AF 

Welcome to 

Like Netflix for your mind & soul to Activate your innate ABUNDANCE

YAY! I am SO in!

Life-changing tools to bring you into an energetic state that

pulls even more abundance into your reality with ease.

What if you were so aligned in who you are and in who the F you came here to be
That you became an energetic match to your manifestations?
Where you absolutely LOVE
and dare I even say, obsessed with, the life you live.
Where you are consistently hearing yourself say, ‘F *ckYES! I Manifested THAT!’
Where you feel so F'ing good
Where you feel light and freeeee 

and MAINTAIN your state of alignment

Creating or implementing from a place that ‘worked’ for others (which has you feeling like it’s not working.)

Wishing and waiting for your current reality to be way different than what it is.

Focusing on people pleasing.

Prioritizing others feelings, emotions and desires over your own.

Your innate abundance comes into your reality from a state of alignment.

it doesn't have to feel heavy anymore


This is what knocks you out of alignment:

Law of Attraction

What if there was no pressure, force or doubt when it came to manifesting a life you love.
Where you stopped giving a f*ck if you have your manifestation in your current reality yet or not
And instead, gave all the f*cks about being happy & aligned in the NOW moment.
Where your energy, attitude and frequency were a MAGNET to your innate abundance
There's no more trying. 
It simply just IS.

Welcome to...

Truth bomb, babe:
You don’t attract what you want
You attract what you are

The Abundant AF Frequency

EFT Tapping + Meditation Membership

I am so in! sign me up!!!

Feeling light, free and in the Abundant AF Frequency!


The Membership for women to activate the Abundance Frequency &  pull even more love & money into your reality with ease!

You are so proud, certain, excited,  and confident.

You feel safe in receiving your desires because you believe you are worthy and deserving of living a life you love.

You hear yourself saying, 'F YES! It's here! I did this!' 

Enter into the Law of F YES!

BE the vibration of 'Abundant AF' and your Manifestations follow with ease


Imagine your biggest, baddest desire was already here....

A NEW EFT Tapping Session every MONTH! 
Full tapping sessions designed to reprogram your subconscious to accept your desires with ease!

50+ full EFT Tapping Sessions to release negative emotions tied to your desires & open up your energetic capacity to receive more good into your life!

60+ Guided Meditations & Subliminal audios to enter into an energetic state of alignment (who the F you are & who you came here to be!) that magnetizes your manifestations into your reality with ease & fun!

When you become an Abundant AF Frequency member

and F YES Bonus! (see below! for Annual Membership option only!)

you get access to:

instant access to over your $3,333 worth of meditations, soul guided journey's and EFT Tapping Sessions!

join now to unlock all of these and more!

24/7 Access to the VAULT
Where all the EFT Tapping Sessions and Meditations are housed for you to enjoy anytime, anywhere!

Get Ready to live in alignment with your Soul Purpose and integrate your soul gifts, skills + wisdom into this lifetime!
It's time to call back all parts of your soul and embody who you truly are and who you came here to BE! (Valued at $111)

Discover Your Soul Purpose Masterclass & Soul Retrieval

Abundant AF Bonus!

I'm making it super easy for you to say F YES to MAINTAINING your energetic frequency of alignment!


one-time Payment (save $56)


Go VIP annual


choose your payment option:

month-to-month payment



(2 months free!)
PLUS! Discover your soul purpose masterclass

Best value!

no commitment

limited time special!

Abundant af Member Price

Meet your bold leader, Kelly

Your energetic permission slip for you to step into who you authentically are and who the f*ck you came here to be.
I’m a certified Life & Success Coach, Neural Energetic Wiring Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist.

I used to look outside of myself for all of the answers, the right next step, the correct move to make (according to someone else’s blueprint). Little did I know I was energetically leaking my POWER and placing my self worth in the hands of others. 
No wonder why I felt like nothing was working and I didn’t know what I was doing with my life?!

I was living out of alignment. I forgot how powerful I truly am and shut down my magic and unique gifts of serving the world in the process. 

Until I dove deep into energetics, manifestation principled and mindset modalities.

I learned first hand that being plugged into your power and living in alignment with YOU turns the Universal flow the f*ck on and has you saying, “f*ck yes! I manifested that!” 

From internal validation, alignment and no longer sourcing my power outside of me…my life massively up-leveled in all areas. 

The tools that truly helped me to maintain this state of alignment and personal power are EFT Tapping & Meditation!

Which is exactly what’s inside F*ck Yes! Frequency.

I can’t even wait to teach you these powerful tools where you are constantly saying, “F*CK YES! I love my life!!” 

Soufflé croissant cake cake soufflé. Cotton candy halvah liquorice muffin cotton candy chocolate candy jelly gummies. Oat cake sesame snaps powder toffee liquorice chocolate cake. Cheesecake fruitcake donut donut sweet.

Lollipop candy canes topping lemon drops chupa chups. Chupa chups brownie brownie pudding muffin caramels. Dessert jelly beans soufflé sugar plum lollipop. Ice cream croissant jujubes lollipop donut gingerbread.

Cheesecake dessert pastry bear claw liquorice. Bear claw halvah marshmallow liquorice topping sweet. Brownie gummi bears jelly powder pudding tart chocolate bar.

Ice cream cheesecake pudding jelly beans jelly-o sugar plum pudding. Cotton candy cheesecake sesame snaps sugar plum powder apple pie pudding. Sweet roll dessert jelly danish cake sesame snaps.

Sesame snaps oat cake pudding sweet croissant liquorice icing chocolate bar lollipop. Bear claw jelly gummies jujubes macaroon. Dessert cheesecake marzipan.

Tart chocolate bar jelly dessert biscuit candy icing candy canes. Bear claw liquorice croissant marshmallow chocolate cake cheesecake jelly-o gingerbread. Bear claw gingerbread chocolate bar dragée soufflé.

Bonbon donut carrot cake. Lollipop jelly beans carrot cake. Jelly-o soufflé pudding carrot cake marzipan croissant. Gingerbread carrot cake chocolate fruitcake sweet cotton candy powder.

Donut cake fruitcake liquorice chocolate cake cookie danish chocolate lollipop. Chocolate bar pastry donut chupa chups cotton candy. Chocolate bar biscuit caramels jelly beans. Fruitcake danish topping bonbon cheesecake cupcake bear claw.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered

How long do I have access to the content inside of ABundant AF Frequency?

How long do I have access to the content inside of fyf?

As long as you are an active member, you have 24/7 access to the resources in your student dashboard 24/7 anytime, anywhere.



There are NO time commitments and you CAN cancel your membership anytime! The monthly membership is paid on a monthly basis, no commitments and you can cancel anytime you need. You're not locked into anything :)

For support on maintaining your energetic state of alignment, members have found the Annual Membership to be the solution!

I have more questions, where can I get those answered?

I have more questions, where can I get those answered?

Please send a DM to kelly @the_badassbabe or email us at hello@kellypender.com


one-time Payment (save $56)


Go VIP annual


choose your payment option:

month-to-month payment



(2 months free!)
PLUS! Discover your soul purpose masterclass

Best value!

no commitment

limited time special!

Abundant af Member Price

It's your F'ing time to be activated in the abundance frequency where you celebrate all of the love, money & success you continue to attract into your life!