I'm Kelly

Hi, babe!

I’m a certified NLP, Neural Energetic Wiring Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist.

To give you the DL.. I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Coach who has worked with 100’s of women to Rewire themselves Sustainably Rich to get their brain + body on board with creating limitless wealth.

Listen boo, if you landed here, you and I are probably super aligned and I have a feeling you know deep in your cells, in your gut (hellur intuition!), in your soul that you’re meant for MORE.

Here’s the deal…
I had every business strategy under the sun, I was in ALL the group coaching programs, masterminds and courses. 
I tried every manifestation method to exist and yet…why did I STILL feel like nothing was working?!

Truth was…I was waiting for others to see me. 
Waiting for others to validate me and tell me I was good enough. 

I wasn’t claiming I was the one. 

This felt heavy, hard and frustrating af to be consistently showing up creating all the content, writing the emails, creating the podcasts, doing the IG lives and yet…I was just. getting. by. 

‘What in the actual f*ck am I missing?!’ Was my thought on repeat.

I had a two year old and another on the way at the time and I KNEW business didn’t need to be this hard. 

I also knew the Quantum Field existed with Infinite Possibilities and I was ready to stop taking my foot off the gas (based off of dumbass social media metrics) and to go ALL THE WAY THE F IN.

So I utilized my Neuroscience Manifestation background and I Rewired myself Rich.
I permanently removed lack (the just getting by, believing making money is hard and not feeling good enough to have more) with my science-backed technique that takes you back to the ROOT. I removed these generational beliefs (most of which weren’t even mine) and I installed new belief systems where I was able to hold more wealth.

I created my Big F*cking Deal Wealth identity where I began to VALUE myself. I became convicted in my work and truly decided that I was THE ONE. I showed up from this identity, created from this identity and began to see how money responded to WHO i was BEING and LEADING my life and business.

I then uncovered my Unique Money Encoding Blueprint. Here's the thing, remember how I said I was in MANY other programs/courses before? I learned from other coaches THEIR money codes and was trying to implement those to become a “match to money” not realizing it’s NOT a one-size-fits all. 
You need to know that you are ALREADY coded for wealth. You were born coded for wealth. 
I used my Limitless Wealth Activation to uncover my own codes and from here I had my first SUSTAINABLE $10k month while on vacation. 
AKA, I wasn’t doing MORE.

The Money Multiplier Method was born. 

I’ve solidified $10-$15k months as my baseline and growing to $20k and beyond this year.
If you’re ready to Rewire Yourself SUSTAINABLY Rich, without adding more onto your to-do list, where $10, $20, $50k months become your new norm. 

Welcome, limitless woman, you're in the right place.

I can show you the way!

"Kelly is recognized as a leading Success Coach by the Coach Foundation."

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The proven method to Rewire Yourself Rich & normalize $10k, $20 k, $50k months
Revealed inside ⬇️

Money Multiplier












White Wine



Fun Fact:

Get to know me

Choose one:

Coffee or Tea

I had two spell books when I was younger and used to go out in the woods and bury my spells under a tree - i am weaving her back into my current reality!

Game time.




Choose one:

Morning or Night

I originally went to college to become a Math Teacher



I originally went to college to become a Math Teacher

Choose one:

Voice Message or Text

In my past-life, I used to be a ballerina

Voice Message!


In my past-life, I used to be a ballerina

Let's Make MAGIC


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