This episode is LOADED with codes that are going to completely shift your life!
Honest Truth on How I massively Up-leveled my life
How to say NO Guilt Free and be Unapologetic in Energetic Boundaries
Many of us are breaking free from people pleasing and practicing how to say ‘no’ to others and a big ol’ ‘f*ck YES!’ to you!
Your Soul is Calling...Are you Answering?
Are you saying ‘YES’ to what supports, nourishes and uplifts your spirit OR are you staying where you are, in your cozy comfort zone?
WTF Imposter Syndrome?!
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, doubt ourselves, scattered, out of alignment & feel we can't move forward in our biz. feel we can't move forward in our biz.
On this episode, Kelly shares how your relationship with money can massively influence your ability to receive more on a subconscious and emotional level and how to transform your relationship where money responds to YOU. Tune in today! Listen on iTunes Tune in on Spotify Connect on Instagram Access the Money Magnetism Rewiring Bundle for […]
& How YOU can receive abundance with ease! My love! This is a super powerful energetic transmission on my personal story of HOW I manifested this flow of money into my reality recently! You will learn: Get ready to massively transform your life! If you’re feeling the mind, body, soul call to join us inside Abundant […]
Holy sh*t babe! I hosted a masterclass in my FB group the other day and it was the most powerful, transformative masterclass I have hosted to date! Teaching you the three essential energetic codes that have changed my life and my clients lives to activate and accept consistent abundance. We dive into: How we have […]
We tend to have the energy of money backwards.. We think, ‘show me the money, then I’ll feel abundant and prosperous.’ When it’s actually.. feel abundant & prosperous now and then the money will flow. Be very mindful of your language around money… There are certain phrases that collapse your aura and shift you into […]
I used to think that abundance, prosperity & wealth were meant for others and that it was something that was always separate from me. & to be honest, like it was never gonna happen for me. I was constantly DOing, pushing, forcing & trying to become abundant. I was seeking and searching, waiting for the […]