This episode is LOADED with codes that are going to completely shift your life!
Honest Truth on How I massively Up-leveled my life
How to say NO Guilt Free and be Unapologetic in Energetic Boundaries
Many of us are breaking free from people pleasing and practicing how to say ‘no’ to others and a big ol’ ‘f*ck YES!’ to you!
Your Soul is Calling...Are you Answering?
Are you saying ‘YES’ to what supports, nourishes and uplifts your spirit OR are you staying where you are, in your cozy comfort zone?
WTF Imposter Syndrome?!
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, doubt ourselves, scattered, out of alignment & feel we can't move forward in our biz. feel we can't move forward in our biz.
On this episode, Kelly shares the energetic foundation, identity & belief system to practice where life, money, sales and clients begin to respond to YOU! Inspired by a conversation with one of her 1:1 clients, this is an activation you will want to listen to again and again to more deeply step into the badass […]
Kelly is joined by Anne Bartolucci, Bestselling Author, Sleep Psychologist and MTSU Alumni to discuss how she removed the “block” that was keeping her stuck to now stepping into her purpose of guiding others to feel worthy in being heard and becoming published authors themselves! Tune in today! Listen on Apple Podcasts Tune in on […]
On this pod episode, Kelly shares the science behind WHY you are experiencing fear while manifesting and expanding and what to do to feel safe in the unknown & uncertainty. Tune in today! Listen on Apple Podcasts Tune in on Spotify FREE COURSE Access the Money Encoding Map Masterclass APPLY to Manifest That Sh!t University […]
On this pod episode, Kelly shares how you are unconsciously c0ckblocking your money manifestations and what you can do today to remove them to finally receive the results you’ve been waiting for. Tune in today! Listen on Spotify Tune in on Apple Podcasts FREE COURSE REGISTER FOR THE FREE MONEY ENCODING MAP MASTERCLASS HERE Schedule […]
On this episode, Kelly shares how we all have a secret subconscious rule that is preventing you from manifesting what you actually want. How to uncover it and remove it! Tune in today! Listen on Spotify Tune in on Apple Podcast Connect on Instagram REGISTER FOR THE FREE MONEY ENCODING MAP MASTERCLASS HERE Schedule your […]