I'm Kelly Pender

I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Mentor an expert in simplifying Money & Abundance Manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Epigenetics + Quantum Physics for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

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Self Love

How to Reassess + Reharmonize Relationships

October 12, 2020

Are you holding onto any relationships, specifically friendships that are inhibiting you from ascending Into your Highest Self and fully retrieving + awakening your soul essence?

In your friendships…notice how you hold space for others? What do you provide for your friends? And what do you RECEIVE in return?

If at any moment, you feel personally responsible for someone else’s happiness, joy, personal growth to shift them OUT of victim-hood and not receiving any support, empowerment or space holding in return…I invite you to reassess that specific relationship.

It can be challenging to let go of friendships, habits, beliefs + relationships that are no longer serving us.

Your soul knows this relationship is not energetically supporting you.

As long as you honor your needs + know what is best for you and your highest good is all that matters. You don’t need to explain yourself to other people. You don’t need a reason. You don’t need a justification.

If a friendship is not supportive, uplifting or empowering your emotions, feelings, self, being, your soul….it’s not for you.

When you stand in that truth, you are honoring your boundaries,  your needs and respecting yourself.

Can you give yourself permission to release relationships that are not uplifting, supporting or empowering you for your Highest Good?

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I'm Kelly Pender

I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Mentor an expert in simplifying Money & Abundance Manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Epigenetics + Quantum Physics for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

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