I'm Kelly Pender

I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Mentor an expert in simplifying Money & Abundance Manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Epigenetics + Quantum Physics for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

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Self Love

You are Worthy of Celebrating ALL Your Wins

October 26, 2020

You don’t have to win a farking medal to celebrate yourself.

Why do we think that we can’t celebrate ourselves until we ….what?  

What do you deem as WORTHY? Honestly take a moment to think about it.


I’m all about small SHIFTS that equal big results:  

  • Mindset shifts
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs
  • Standing up for yourself
  • Speaking your truth
  • Getting clear on your needs and desires
  • Showing up for yourself
  • Trying something new
  • ASKING for what you want  

And I’m all about celebrating ALL of them! I’ve been guiding my Clients and Community Babes into sharing their shifts – sharing their wins!  

How many times in your life do you want to move forward, achieve a goal, embody something, become something without realizing there are blocks in the way?

Becoming aware of those blocks and allowing yourself to take the steps to break through them is AMAZING!

That right there is a huge F’ing win.   Notice the shifts that you are making in your life.

When you shift your vibrations within yourself

When you let go of limiting beliefs

When you say ‘yes’ to you

When you step out of your comfort zone  

Thats when you feel the magic and thats when the magic VIBRATES around you and everyone feels it! Notice how those vibrations amplify and send shock waves out around you and out into the world.  Can you celebrate your small wins knowing that they are HUGE shifts and game changers in your life, in your business, personally and professionally and everything in between.  YES!

Oracle Card Deck: Angel Therapy Oracle by Doreen Virtue

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I'm Kelly Pender

I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Mentor an expert in simplifying Money & Abundance Manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Epigenetics + Quantum Physics for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

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