I'm Kelly Pender

I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Mentor an expert in simplifying Money & Abundance Manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Epigenetics + Quantum Physics for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

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3 Steps to Embrace Your Soul Gifts & Magic!

June 16, 2023

Hello my badass babe! Reminder: You were born as the most sacred, powerful, magnificent being who holds unique soul gifts and magic that only you posses and can gift to the world.

Somewhere along the way you forgot, detached from your soul essence and entered into your safety identity to be perceived a certain way…mainly to be likable.

From this place of misalignment and denying your unique gifts – no wonder it has felt like your business, career, relationships, they way you show up, etc. has felt like it hasn’t been ‘working.’

That changes here and now.

Your soul purpose, unique gifts and soul essence of who you truly are were never lost. You just forgot. You get to come back into remembering. You get to come back home to you.

This episode walks you though 3 steps to do exactly that.

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The Own Your Power Bundle is OPEN! 🎉

Click here for the juicy details of my favorite (and soon to be yours!) soul & energetic up-level bundle!

This bundle will help you to become solid in your power, gain clarity on your souls purpose, embrace your unique soul gifts and magic

…to confidently live life authentically & unapologetically aligned with who you truly are

If you have been in my energy and feeling lit up – this is your invitation to enter into my world!

If you’ve been loving the pod, my content & work and learning SO much – just imagine the transformation, the integration and embodiment that you will experience in my actual world.

This is your next step.

The bundle is valued at $666 and only $111 for you before doors close 6/23 @ midnight! Access the bundle here!

Connect wih Kelly on Instagram: 

@the_badassbabe and @badassbabeoracle


I'm Kelly Pender

I'm a Neuroscience Manifestation Mentor an expert in simplifying Money & Abundance Manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Epigenetics + Quantum Physics for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

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